18. J. Lee, H. Kim, HR. Lim, YS. Kim, TT. Hoang, J. Choi, GJ. Jeong, H. Kim, R. Herbert, I. Soltis, KR. Kim, SH. Lee, Y. Kwon, Y. Lee, YC. Jang, WH. Yeo.

“Large-scale smart bioreactor with fully integrated wireless multivariate sensors and electronics for long-term in situ monitoring of stem cell culture”

Science Advances, 10 (7), 2024. Selected as a journal cover. [LINK]

17. R. Herbert, P. Mocny, Y. Zhao, T.C. Lin, J. Zhang, M. Vinciguerra, S. Surprenant, W.Y. Chan, S. Kumar, M.R. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski, C. Majidi.

“Thermo-mechanically stable, liquid metal embedded soft materials for high-temperature applications”

Advanced Functional Materials, 2023. [LINK]

16. B. Rigo, A. Bateman, J. Lee, H. Kim, Y. Lee, L. Romero, Y.C. Jang, R. Herbert*, WH, Yeo*.

“Soft implantable printed bioelectronic system for wireless continuous monitoring of restenosis”

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 241, 2023. [LINK] [PDF]

15. R. Herbert, M. Elsisy, B. Rigo, H. Lim, H. Kim, C. Choi, S. Kim, S. Ye, W. Wagner, Y. Chun, WH, Yeo. 

“Fully implantable batteryless soft platforms with printed nanomaterial-based arterial stiffness sensors for wireless continuous monitoring of restenosis in real-time” 

Nano Today, 46 (1), 2022. [LINK] [PDF] [Covered in Nano Today News]

14. R. Herbert, H. Lim, B. Rigo, WH. Yeo. 

“Fully implantable wireless batteryless vascular electronics with printed soft sensors for multiplex sensing of hemodynamics”

Science Advances, 8 (19), 2022. [LINK] [PDF] [Covered in Medgadget, New Atlas, Healthcare in Europe, and more]

13. N. Rodeheaver, H. Kim, R. Herbert, H. Seo, WH. Yeo.

“Breathable, wireless thin-film wearable biopatch using noise-reduction mechanisms”

ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4 (503), 2022. [LINK]

12. N. Zavanelli, H. Kim, J. Kim, R. Herbert, M. Mahmood, Y. Kim, S. Kwon, N. Bolus, B. Torstrick, C. Lee, WH. Yeo. 

"At-home wireless monitoring of acute hemodynamic disturbances to detect sleep apnea and sleep stages via a soft sternal patch"

Science Advances, 7 (52), 2021. [LINK]

11. N. Rodeheaver, R. Herbert, Y. Kim, M. Mahmood, H. Kim, J. Jeong, WH. Yeo. 

“Strain-isolating materials and interfacial physics for soft wearable bioelectronics and wireless, motion artifact-controlled health monitoring”

Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (36), 2021. [LINK] [Covered in MedicalXpress]

10. R. Herbert, H. Lim, S. Park, J. Kim, WH. Yeo. 

“Recent Advances in Printing Technologies of Nanomaterials for Implantable Wireless Systems in Health Monitoring and Diagnosis”

Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10 (17), 2021. [LINK]

9. Y. Kwon, Y. Kim, S. Kwon, M. Mahmood, H. Lim, S. Park, S. Kang, J. Choi, R. Herbert, Y. Jang, Y. Choa, WH. Yeo. 

“All-printed nanomembrane wireless bioelectronics using a biocompatible solderable graphene for multimodal human-machine interfaces” 

Nature Communications, 11 (1), 2020. [LINK]

8. R. Herbert, H. Lim, WH. Yeo. 

“Printed, soft, nanostructured strain sensors for monitoring of structural health monitoring and human physiology” 

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (22), 2020. Selected as a journal cover. [LINK] [PDF]

7. S. Mishra, Y. Kim, J. Intarasirisawat, Y. Kwon, Y.  Lee, M. Mahmood, H. Lim, R. Herbert, K. Yu, CS. Ang, WH. Yeo. 

“Soft, wireless periocular wearable electronics for real-time detection of eye vergence in a virtual reality toward mobile eye therapies”

Science Advances, 6 (11), 2020. [LINK]

6. R. Herbert, J. Jeong, WH. Yeo. 

“Soft material-enabled electronics for medicine, healthcare, and human-machine interfaces”

Materials, 13 (3), 2020. [LINK]

5. Y. Kim, A. Basir, R. Herbert, J. Kim, H. Yoo, WH. Yeo. 

“Soft materials, stretchable mechanics, and optimized designs for body-wearable compliant antennas”

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(2), 2020. [LINK]

4. M. Mahmood, D. Mzuikwao, Y. Kim, Y. Lee, S. Mishra, R. Herbert, A. Duarte, CS. Ang, WH. Yeo. 

“Fully portable and wireless universal brain-machine interfaces enabled by flexible scalp electronics and deep learning algorithm”

Nature Machine Intelligence, 1 (9), 2019. [LINK] [Covered in Forbes, Medgadget, Tech Xplore, and more]

3. R. Herbert, S. Mishra, H. Lim, H. Yoo, WH. Yeo. 

“Fully printed, wireless, stretchable implantable biosystem toward batteryless, real-time monitoring of cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics”

Advanced Science, 6 (18), 2019. Selected as a journal cover. [LINK] [PDF] [Covered in Medgadget, 3D Printing Industry, Tech Xplore, EE Times, and more]

2. Y. Kim, M. Mahmood, Y. Lee, NK. Kim, S. Kwon, R. Herbert, D. Kim, HC. Cho, WH. Yeo. 

“All-in-one, wireless, stretchable hybrid electronics for smart, connected, and ambulatory physiological monitoring” 

Advanced Science, 6 (17), 2019. Selected as a journal cover. [LINK] [Covered in Tech Explorist, Medgadget, and more]

1. R. Herbert, JH. Kim, Y. Kim, HM. Lee, WH. Yeo. 

“Soft material-enabled, flexible hybrid electronics for medicine, healthcare, and human-machine interfaces”

Materials, 11 (187), 2018. [LINK]


6. R. Herbert

“Wireless vascular bioelectronic systems with printed soft sensors and flexible electronic stents”

SPIE Soft Mechatronics and Wearable Systems, 2024.

5. R. Herbert, A. Xu, P. Mocny, L. Li, H. Choset, K. Matyjaszewski, C. Majidi. 

“Viton and Liquid Metal Composite Material Systems for In-Space Applications and Additive Manufacturing”


4. B. Liu, R. Herbert, WH. Yeo, F. Hammond. 

“Kirigami skin-based flexible whisker sensor” 

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022.

3. M. Elsisy, R. Herbert, WH. Yeo, J. Pacella, Y. Chun. 

“Development of a nanosensor-integrated stent for wireless, continuous monitoring of restenosis progression” 

Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and 3D Systems III. Vol. 11590, 2021.

2. R. Herbert, WH. Yeo. 

“Stretchable, implantable nanomembrane biosensor for wireless, real-time monitoring of hemodynamics” 

IEEE ECTC, 2019.

1. Y. Kim, M. Mahmood, S. Kwon, R. Herbert, WH. Yeo. 

“Robust human-machine interfaces enabled by a skin-like electromyogram sensing system” 

Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and 3D Systems III. Vol. 10969, 2019.

book chapters

2. R. Herbert, M. Popoola, W. Zhang, H. Cheng. 

“Health monitoring from the skin” 

Smart and Connected Wearable Electronics, (accepted), 2022.

1. R. Herbert, WH. Yeo. 

“Soft material-enabled packaging for stretchable and flexible hybrid electronics”

Nano-Bio-Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging, 2021.


3. WH. Yeo, R. Herbert, Y. Chun, M. Elsisy. “Nano sensor-embedded stent system and method”. U.S. Patent Application No. 18/278,712. (2024)

2. WH. Yeo, R. Herbert. “Wireless hemodynamic sensors and methods of using same”. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/664,167. (2021)

1. WH. Yeo, R. Herbert. “Implantable cerebral sensing devices and systems and methods related thereto”. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/600,775. (2021)